
Energy communities: not only money savers but environmental, and social impact makers

Energy communities are groups of individuals, businesses, and organizations that join together to produce, distribute, and use energy in a more sustainable and efficient manner. In the European Union (EU), energy communities are about to play a vital role in the transition to a low-carbon energy system and are supported by various policies and initiatives at the EU and national levels.

Energy communities: not only money savers but environmental, and social impact makers Read More »

Sustainability and beyond: how to future-proof your start-up

The sustainable start-up space has undoubtedly been growing over the past decades, not only due to the vast market opportunity green tech solutions hold amid the rising consciousness of consumers, dropping renewable energy prices and climate policies, but the imperative to make all businesses sustainable to avoid climate catastrophe on Planet Earth.

Sustainability and beyond: how to future-proof your start-up Read More »

Sustainable food production: Hydroponics

Hydroponics is cultivation of plants without soil using water-based nutrient solution. The name of this plant growing method is based on the Greek words ‘hydro’ (water) and ‘ponos’ (work). It is not a 21st century innovation, research about water culture was already undertaken in the 17th century. Several experiments contributed to the discovery of soilless cultivation and once it was recognized that spearmint grows faster with the use of “contaminated water”, the composition of the mineral nutrient solutions was soon mastered.

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Could your footwear be an ally in the fight against plastic pollution?

Ben, founder of the Effekt Footwear is one of the 7 committed and innovative start-ups who are participating in the 2nd cohort of the .wave. The accelerator program provides intensive training sessions in various topics along with mentorship, a team building bootcamp and other networking opportunities so the participants could grow their ecosystem with environmental sustainability being at the core of their principles.

Could your footwear be an ally in the fight against plastic pollution? Read More »

Introducing .wave – this is how our startup accelerator company works

Based on the United Nations (UN) World Commission on Environment and Development’s definition, “environmental sustainability is about acting in a way that ensures future generations have the natural resources available to live an equal, if not better, way of life as current generations.” This means that transforming our lives to build something more sustainable is not a task to be solved in the future. Effective solutions are needed here and now.

Introducing .wave – this is how our startup accelerator company works Read More »